The Goal of this Project is to create a near-perfect Oldschool
Version of KalOnline, with heavy emphasis on longevity in a non toxic enviroment. In addition, we also try to provide & gurantee following balancing elements:
- Alternate Content & Things to grind for
Kal can become pretty mind numbing at times,
so we have a bunch of "side" content available
that does not alter the oldschool way of Kal in too many ways,
as the main focus should always be just killing monsters.
Our Treasure Hunter System is the main one at this time,
and it should keep you occupied for a very long time :)
There will be more in the future aswell.
- Core Game will always stay how it is
There will NEVER be any updates that make the game
easier and de-value your time. We gurantee this.
Every Hour you invest, will have the same worth
as somebody, who starts playing alot later.
While there might be new side systems beeing added
in the future, there will never be any exp or drop increases.
This is very important to us.
Everybody has a different vision about the perfect server
and there is absolutely nothing wrong with not liking certain things, but this is our vision. Regardless of player amount
or other factors, everything we stand for will ALWAYS remain.
© Kal-Classic 2025
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